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Preview of Leicester vs Cardiff

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Unlikely victories over Chelsea and Manchester City have elevated Leicester to seventh and eased the pressure on Claude Puel. With Cardiff up next, Leicester will hope to make it three straight wins, given Neil Warnock’s side have collected only two points on the road all season. The Cardiff manager is expected to bring Harry Arter and Aron Gunnarsson back into the starting lineup but Callum Paterson, who has been converted into a striker, faces a fitness test. Leicester have no new injury concerns. Stuart James

Saturday 3pm

Venue King Power Stadium

Last season n/a

Referee Simon Hooper

This season G3 Y8 R0 2.66 cards/game

Odds H 3-5 A 11-2 D 3-1


Subs from Ward, Jakupovic, Gray, Okazaki, Simpson, Evans, Iborra, Ghezzal, Silva, Iheanacho, Söyüncü, Diabaté, Fuchs, James, Benalouane

Doubtful None

Injured Amartery (ankle, Mar)

Suspended None

Discipline Y31 R4


Leading scorer Vardy 6


Subs from B Murphy, Hoilett, Mendez-Laing, Cunningham, Decordova-Reid, Madine, Ralls, Smithies, Harris, Damour

Doubtful Paterson (knee)

Injured Richards (hamstring, unknown), Ward (knee, unknown), Zohore (thigh, unknown)

Suspended None

Discipline Y30 R1


Leading scorer Paterson 4


Article information

Author: Michael Parker

Last Updated: 1699890962

Views: 741

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Name: Michael Parker

Birthday: 1918-10-16

Address: 2406 Montgomery Dam Apt. 955, Port Darren, IL 49376

Phone: +3707072917138234

Job: SpaceX Engineer

Hobby: Quilting, Knitting, Kite Flying, Calligraphy, Playing Piano, Juggling, Photography

Introduction: My name is Michael Parker, I am a proficient, unwavering, Adventurous, esteemed, Open, dazzling, expert person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.