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With the thrilling giveaway from Crypto com, you can win Aston Martin F1 gear

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    In the fast-paced world of cryptocurrencies and motor racing, Crypto.com is blurring the lines and upping the excitement! The cryptocurrency exchange platform recently unveiled a thrilling giveaway for all Formula 1 enthusiasts. With the Formula 1 Gran Premio de la Ciudad de México 2023 right around the corner, the digital platform is fueling the excitement with an exclusive Aston Martin F1 merchandise package.

    Here’s the Deal: Celebrating its partnership with the Aston Martin Aramco Cognizant Formula One team, Crypto.com is going all out. If you’re a fan of Lance Stroll and Fernando Alonso, and think you’ve got the chops to predict their performance at the Mexico Grand Prix, you might just walk away with some swanky co-branded gear.

    The giveaway runs from October 25th to the 29th, and here’s the best part – you don’t have to buy anything to participate! Just put on your prediction hat and take a shot. Ten lucky fans will be selected randomly to win this exclusive merchandise package.

    How to Jump In? If you’re already scrolling through your apps wondering where to enter, here’s your clue: keep an eye on Platform X (you know, the one that used to be called Twitter). Crypto.com will be making all the announcements there. Winners will be directly notified on X by the end of October 31st. So, you might want to keep those notifications turned on!

    Cronos (CRO) & Aston Martin Cognizant Fan Token (AM): A Quick Market Peek While we’re on the topic of Crypto.com, let’s take a quick glance at the market. Their native token, Cronos (CRO), has been showing some lively movements. As of Thursday morning, it was trading at approximately $0.059. This marked an increase of 3.5% over the past day, and if we stretch that to a week, it’s up by a solid 16%.

    Not to be left behind, the Aston Martin Cognizant Fan Token was priced at $0.58. It experienced a slight dip with a 24-hour price change of -0.5%, but over the last seven days, it’s gained a notable 5%.

    Closing Thoughts Whether you’re a die-hard F1 fan, a crypto enthusiast, or someone who just loves the thrill of a good giveaway, this is your chance to dive into the action. Kudos to Crypto.com for merging the excitement of racing with the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies. Get your predictions ready, and may the best guess win!


    Article information

    Author: Anna Fuller

    Last Updated: 1699462204

    Views: 745

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    Name: Anna Fuller

    Birthday: 1978-02-08

    Address: 5671 Ayala Hill, North Megan, PA 70463

    Phone: +4863034179728673

    Job: Article Writer

    Hobby: Stamp Collecting, DIY Electronics, Pottery, Mountain Climbing, Coffee Roasting, Quilting, Sculpting

    Introduction: My name is Anna Fuller, I am a dedicated, Adventurous, dazzling, ingenious, honest, esteemed, talented person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.